Saturday, July 17, 2010

He loves you still

Before you could walk, before you understood what it meant to be, before you knew who you were, you were told that you were not loved. You didn't understand at the time, you didn't know what you were missing, how could you?- a loving mother, a guiding father, a hug or kiss when you were scared or lonely. A doting parent when you screamed and cried. Already then, your innocence was locked up and hidden in a place where noone could hurt you.

And yet, He loved you then. You didn't know, He knew you.

Before you saw your first graduation, before you understood what it meant to be, before you knew who you were, you were told you were not loved. You didn't know what you had done wrong (in fact, you did nothing), you didn't know why, they didn't say. A harsh word, an unmerciful anger that came and went like a storm. You often cried, I saw you.
In your innocence, you craved love-you didn't know how to get it. You did your wasn't enough.

And yet, He loved you then. You didn't know, He knew you.

Before your first car, before you knew what it meant to be, before you knew who you were, you were told you were not loved. It was never said in words- your soul became imprinted.The neglectful acts ringing in your ears, clamping over your heart. You were "worthless", I watched you. That place, where your innocence was hidden-was filled with anger. Broken and calloused over, bitterness and apathy sunk into your bones. That black tube became your refuge. You ached inside, I knew, though you hid it well. Why try, why wasn't enough.

And yet, He loved you then. You didn't know, He knew you.

You still don't know what it means to be. You still don't know who you are. You still believe that you aren't loved. That black tube...its engulfed you alone.You're lost, and your demons haunt you.

And yet, He loves you still. You don't know, He knows you.

You are enough,

You are loved.

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