You revealed to me the brilliance of the stars.
You showed me the wonder of a dew drop clung to a tree.
You opened my eyes to the embrace of the wind, and the serenity of a windless day. You spoke to me on the bank of a lake, shrouded in mist and a beautiful sunrise.
You blessed me with conversations, late into the night, filled with depth and laughter.
You awoke in me a wonder and delight in your creation, guiding me towards your everlasting love.
Your majesty was revealedto me in the form of a mighty mountain, draped with snow as white as you have made my scarlet sins.
You showed me what was in my own heart, and breathed into me life. You awoke me from the dust, and clothed me with joy for what you have made.
You revealed to me Your heart for the broken, and Your heart for the oppressed, and Your deep pain for all your lost children.
You opened my eyes to the sacredness of life, and how precious and wondrous each child is, those that your hands have knit together.
You gave me words of encouragement when I did not know what to say.
You encouraged me with your love when I was on the brink of despair.
You cradled me in Your arms when faced with parting with a loved one, and gently reminded me that I would see them once again.
You blessed me with love beyond words in the form of a humble friend.
You have carried me through the deserts, to the place where flowers bloom.
And you whisper, softly in to my heart, again and again.
You whisper that I am beautiful, even when I don't feel like it.
You whisper that You are with me, when I feel abandoned, and lonely.
You whisper that you have redeemed me, when I begin to condemn myself.
You whisper that You have much more, when I begin to settle.
You whisper, "look to me," when my heart runs astray, and the things of this world cloud my vision.
And you whisper to me, again and again, over and over, as much as I need it, "I love you."
And even now, you whisper, "don't be afraid, but trust in Me. I am your everlasting Father." And my heart sighs.
What can I do but praise You?
What can I do but say, "Your love endures forever?"
The answer to every question in my heart, in my life, is satisfied by your unfailing, humbling love.
Thank you, for everything.